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Justice & Recovery Guide

What is the Justice and Recovery Guide?

The Justice and Recovery Guide was created by Community Advocates and NAMI PA of Montgomery County, to assist individuals with mental illness, family members and friends in navigating the criminal justice system and to use jail diversion services to support opportunities for recovery. The Guide walks a person through the five different stages of diversion using the Sequential Intercept Model as a format. The Sequential Intercept Model was developed by Drs. Mark R. Muentz and Patricia A. Griffin of the GAINS Center in Florida. It is a concept for communities to use which identifies points of interception in the criminal justice system where interventions can be made to prevent people with mental illness from going to jail because of their symptoms or to reduce the length of time individuals remain incarcerated. Community Advocates and NAMI  collaborated with many different experts and agencies to create the Justice and Recovery Guide which is unique to Montgomery County. The Guide will connect you to resources and services, and provides you with self-help tools to assist in self-advocacy and confidence building when navigating the criminal justice system.

This guide does not contain legal Advice.

How to use the Justice and Recovery Guide:

A Quick Reference Guide was created to assist individuals who need immediate access to information. The one-page Quick Reference Guide offers phone numbers from a diverse group of agencies and departments, including crisis and emergency phone lines, to connect people with support when time is critical. Once the connections are made, depending on where the diversion or interception is occurring, you can find in depth information by clicking on the corresponding box at the bottom of the column.

Justice and Recovery Guide and Quick Reference:

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