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Community Satisfaction Team

Recovery Principles

Principles for Montgomery County’s Partnership for Recovery

These guiding principles have been developed as the basis for Montgomery County’s Partnership for Recovery. These principles were created by consumers, family members and providers with the belief that an environment promoting recovery requires successful partnerships among the participants.


  • Hope is the foundation for recovery – the belief in an individual’s potential to experience a full and satisfying life and the belief that change is possible.


  • Recovery is a unique and personal journey. It embraces the individual rather than dwelling on the illness. Recovery respects individuals’ cultural and spiritual differences as well as their special needs.


  • Individuals are encouraged to make their own informed choices about their lives and their support systems. These choices are respected.

Peer Support

  • Peer support is a highly valued resource, which offers hope through the unique empathy and understanding that come from peer relationships.

Community Focus/Integration

  • A recovery supportive environment provides the opportunity to live in, be connected to and flourish within the community of one’s choosing, with access to those community supports and resources that will best promote one’s own recovery.
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