Be the change that you wish to see in the world!
We have exciting Peer Support employment opportunities as we launch a new venture in Southeastern Pennsylvania, The Ferns Peer Respite. To ensure success as a Peer Respite Peer Support Worker, you will have significant experience with and understanding of advocacy, group facilitation, and peer support, and will be familiar with Intentional Peer Support, Trauma-Informed Practices, and related values and principles. This is a peer role, requiring lived experience. As a peer, you will be someone who has personally experienced crisis, trauma, and/or extreme distress.
We will begin recruiting for Part-Time and Per Diem positions shortly. If you are interested in Part-Time and/or per diem positions at The Ferns, please forward your resume and a cover email to Olivia Bruecks at Please be sure to address the following in your cover email:
- Describe why you are interested in the position;
- Confirming that you meet the definition of “peer” as described above;
- Note the days of the week, hours, and/or schedule available to work;
- Whether you are interested in a regularly scheduled Part-Time position or a Per Diem (on-call) position
Download Full Job Description